Reliable Vaccine Resources

Like everything else, there are reliable books and websites about vaccines, and many unreliable ones as well. Here are resources you can trust.

General vaccine information

Vaccine Education Center

This online resource from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia provides extensive education about each vaccine and the associated diseases. They also have a great app for iOS and Android devices, Vaccines On the Go, which provides information wherever you are.

CDC Vaccines

Interactive schedules, tons of information, very parent-friendly.

Immunization Action Coalition

Vaccinate Your Family

Voices for Vaccines

Johns Hopkins Institute for Vaccine Safety


National Foundation for Infectious Disease

Vaccines for Expecting Moms

Immunization for Women from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Highlights Tdap and flu vaccines for pregnant women, as well as other vaccines women need.

CDC Pregnancy and Vaccines

Flu and flu vaccines


Families Fighting Flu

Prevent Childhood Influenza/Childhood Influenza Immunization Coalition


National Meningitis Association

Meningitis Angels


Autism Science Foundation

Autism Speaks

DISCLAIMER: Links to these sites are included for information only. The views and opinions expressed at these sites are not necessarily those of Covenant Care Pediatrics.