Sick Child? We’re here for you.
Is your child sick or injured? It seems to happen quickly in children, and often at the most inconvenient times. Don’t worry… we’re here for you.
Same Day Appointments
We have same-day appointments for sick children; just call our office during regular business hours. Questions about whether your child needs to be seen or where? Call our office and we can help guide you to the best care for your child.
Urgent Situations
For sick or injured children who may need to be evaluated after hours, CHOA Urgent Care at Hudson Bridge is available. Please remember that chronic or ongoing issues or problems cannot usually be handled in an urgent care, but are best handled by your regular doctor. For true emergencies, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Pediatric Nurses and Doctors On-Call
If you need to speak to someone about an urgent issue, there is always a doctor on call. We also use the CHOA Pediatric Nurse service. They use standard, tested pathways and protocols to discuss your child’s condition and advise you if further treatment is recommended. You may be directed to an ER or Urgent Care, or just receive advice on how to keep your child comfortable and treat her condition. The nurse may also have the on-call doctor give you a call back.
Just call our main number and you will be connected to our answering service. Please do not call after hours for routine pediatric questions such as medication doses; these are available on our handouts and our website, as well as many others. Questions about chronic or non-urgent issues should wait until regular business hours. Please note that there is sometimes a charge for calls to the pediatric nurse that are not for an urgent issue.
Online Resources
Our website, health site, and patient portal all provide answers to most common questions that are not of an urgent nature. Other trusted resources include:
The American Academy of Pediatrics consumer health site has a helpful symptom checker. They also have an app available called KidsDoc.
Children’s Hospital Colorado also has a symptom checker available.