Eagles Landing Breastfeeding Center
Breastfeeding with confidence and joy
We are committed to helping all moms and dads feed their baby however they choose; however, the health benefits of breastfeeding are so great for both babies and mothers that we encourage all women to breastfeed. More importantly, we want to help all moms who want to breastfeed to succeed, to meet their own breastfeeding goals, and to breastfeed with confidence and joy.
As a pediatric practice, we have always helped and supported breastfeeding moms. However, we felt like this was not enough, and in 2016 opened a medical breastfeeding practice where we can treat both moms and babies and visits are covered by insurance plans since we are a medical breastfeeding practice.
We focus on prenatal preparation, prevention of problems, establishing breastfeeding, early feeding success, and treating any lactation or breastfeeding issues in both mom and baby.
Issues and conditions we treat
- Preparing for breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding plan
- Establishing milk supply
- Oversupply & engorgement
- Latching problems
- Tongue tie
- Poor or low milk supply
- Herbal medicines
- Poor weight gain
- Breast or nipple problems
- Nipple pain
- Sore nipples
- Cracked and/or bleeding nipples
- Mastitis
- Maternal medications
- Fussy baby
- Relactation and induced lactation
- Breastfeeding premature infants
- Feeding multiples
- Breast pumps and supplies
- Pumping and storing milk
- Returning to work
- Weaning
For more information or an appointment with a lactation specialist, please visit eagleslandingbreastfeeding.com or call 770.389.4543.