Caring for Your Child’s Teeth
Oral care
- Breastfeeding is best for your child’s oral health
- If your baby takes bottles, never put the bottle in bed with your baby
- Your child should start baby cereal, fruits and vegetables at 6 months old
- Do not give your baby any juice
- You don’t need to clean the gums.
- The average age of first tooth is 6 months, but many infants do not get any teeth until after a year old
- All babies start drooling and chewing on things at 3-4 months old. This is NOT teething.
- Teething does NOT cause fever, runny nose, or diarrhea. It might cause a little fussiness for a day or two, no longer.
- Do NOT use teething gels like Oragel; these are dangerous in babies. Do NOT use homeopathic teething tablets.
- Teething can be treated with chewing on something cold, or acetaminophen if extremely fussy (or ibuprofen if 6 months or older)
Oral Care
- Breastfeeding is best for your child’s oral health.
- If your baby takes bottles, never put the bottle in bed with your baby.
- Your child should start baby cereal, fruits and vegetables at 6 months old, and table food around 8-9 months old.
- Do not give your baby any juice.
- Start teaching your baby how to use a cup around 8-9 months old.
- You don’t need to clean the gums.
- Dental visits are recommended starting when teeth come in or at 12 months old.
- Fluoride varnish is recommended for teeth every 3-6 months at the dentist or in our office if your child does not have a dentist.
- Average age of first tooth is 6 months, but many infants do not get any teeth until after a year old.
- Lack of teeth does not stop your baby from eating table food around 7-9 months and up.
- Once teeth are in, start brushing them 1-2 times a day with a smear of fluoride toothpaste. Infant/toddler toothpaste without fluoride is NOT recommended anymore but is still sold in stores. Be sure your toothpaste has fluoride in it.
- Babies drool and chew on things whether they are teething or not.
- Teething does NOT cause fever, runny nose, or diarrhea. It might cause a little fussiness for a day or two, no longer.
- Do NOT use teething gels like Oragel; these are dangerous in babies. Do NOT use homeopathic teething tablets.
- Teething can be treated with chewing on something cold, or ibuprofen (or acetaminophen) if extremely fussy.
Oral care
- Bottles must stop by 15 months old.
- You may keep breastfeeding as long as mutually desired.
- If taking formula, transition to cow’s milk by 15 months old.
- Dental visits are recommended starting when teeth come in or at 12 months old.
- Fluoride varnish is recommended for teeth every 3-6 months at the dentist or in our office if your child does not have a dentist.
- Brush your child’s teeth twice a day with a smear of fluoride toothpaste. Infant/toddler toothpaste without fluoride is NOT recommended anymore but is still sold in stores. Be sure your toothpaste has fluoride in it.
- Be sure to brush before bed after the last food and drink
- Teething does NOT cause fever, runny nose, or diarrhea. It might cause a little fussiness for a day or two, no longer.
- Do NOT use teething gels like Oragel; these are dangerous in toddlers. Do NOT use homeopathic teething tablets.
- Teething can be treated with chewing on something cold, or ibuprofen (or acetaminophen) if your child is extremely fussy.